Felix Burns Primer - ebook download; LEAD SHEET/ACCORDION
The Felix Burns Primer - a selection of easier pieces by Felix Burns (1863-1920); selected and edited by Kim Tame.
This version is set out as lead sheets, melody line plus chords.
For audio samples, see the bottom of this listing.
This is the PIANO edition; also available in PIANO format.
Also available as a traditionally printed book; post and packing charges apply.
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This is a PRINTED BOOK containing 19 of Felix Burns' easier pieces; -
The Blue Bird - Waltz
Bill Sykes - Clog Dance
Diana's Daughters - Waltz
En Fete March
The Granite City - Highland Schottische
The Great Harry - Hornpipe
Gallant Montrose - Schottische
The Green Park - Saunter or Fox Trot
Lighterman Jim - Hornpipe
The Little Lift Girl - Waltz
Maid of Devon - Waltz
March in C - The Marlborough
Military Review - March
Off to the Ball - Waltz
Song of the Seashell - Waltz
Stirling Castle - Highland Schottische
Swedish Dances
Woodland Flowers - Scottische
Un Chant d'Amour - Waltz
If you enjoy the music, you might like the biography; Bandmaster of Carlisle; The Life and Music of Felix Burns, by Kim Tame, is available now.
(Buy the biography first, and receive 50% off the download version of the Primer!)
Maid of Devon;
Woodland Flowers;