The moon shines bright


This song is not a carol as we have come to understand the term.  It was collected from Tysoe, Warwickshire, by Cecil J Sharpe, and was said to be a favourite with the Tysoe carol singers.  It ends with a New Year greeting, so perhaps was intended to provoke some spiritual soul searching in preparation for the coming year; or is a subtle request to show Christian kindness and generosity to the carol-singers!

The remaining subject matter, though, is more suited to Easter. The author and composer are unknown; several variants are available.

Here in two versions;

The moon shines bright for PIANO

Cecil Sharpe's arrangement

The Moon Shines Bright Piano Pdf
PDF – 379.9 KB 4 downloads

The moon shines bright LEADSHEET

(melody and chords)

The Moon Shines Bright LEAD Pdf
PDF – 659.8 KB 4 downloads

Listen to an audio sample here;