Earth below is teeming; Tunes - Harvest & Princethorpe

John Samuel Bewley Monsell was born in Ireland and educated at Trinity College, Dublin. He was ordained a priest in the Anglican church and served parishes in Ireland and England. He published 11 volumes of poetry and 300 hymns.

Here we offer two tunes - Harvest has a chorus, Princethorpe does not.

The tune known as Harvest is attributed to R. Menthal; we did not find any biographical information about this composer.  We'd love to hear from you if you know anything about him/her.

Princethorpe was composed by William John Pitts (1829-1903).  He was born in Tansor, near Oundle, Northamptonshire, the son of an organ builder. He was a talented muscian from an early age, and was a church organist from the age of 14, at Elton Church, Huntingdonshire and at Brompton Oratory, Kensington. He composed both hymns and secular songs.

Earth below is teeming; Tunes - Harvest and Princethorpe- Lead Sheet


Earth Below Is Teeming HARVEST LEAD Pdf
PDF – 668.3 KB 5 downloads
Earth Below Is Teeming PRINCETHORPE LEAD Pdf
PDF – 635.9 KB 4 downloads

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